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Documentary Wedding Filmmaking 

Our Atlanta Wedding Videographers team provides award-winning cinematic wedding videography services in Atlanta, Georgia, and throughout the US.

Our experience and passion for storytelling, supported by cutting edge videography equipment that is especially acquired to accommodating the different wedding environments, allow us to employ a variety of filming techniques to fully and discreetly document the details of your wedding ceremony, wedding reception, as well as everything in between, before and after.

We’re experienced and equipped to accommodate the different wedding situations. Whether you’re having an all-day ballroom wedding celebration or a four-day Indian, South Asian wedding festival, our wedding videographers, while creatively directed by Joey Wallace, will document your wedding events in sweeping camera pans and breathtaking zooms; memorizing the tender moments of the ceremony; the contagious excitement of the first dance and the Sangeet; the joyful emotions in the father-daughter dance and the Milni; the unpredictable of the cake cutting and Haldi; the action-filled wedding send-off and the Barat; and the heartfelt speeches and vows that are later brought to life in voice-overs. The end product for you, our brides and grooms, is an extended multi-cam video of the sweet memories of your entire wedding celebration to cherish for years to come. Along with a beautifully packaged cinematic retelling of your wedding day, briefly highlighting the intimate details and joyful moments of your wedding day, boosted by charming background voice-overs and intimate music.


With nearly 100% customer satisfaction, our Atlanta wedding videographers have been featured and recognized by many reputable local and national publications, such as


Jezebel Magazine Atlanta best wedding photography award
Atlanta Brides Magazine best wedding photography
Expertise Website best wedding photography award
TheKnot five star reviews for Joey Wallace Photography
The Atlantan Magazine best wedding photography award
WeddingWire five star reviews for Joey Wallace Photography


You can watch more of these wedding videos on our YouTube Channel, or check out our latest weddings on our Wedding Blog.